Sometimes, trying to save a buck isn’t work it
Yes, I am one of those guys who takes Viagra (sildenafil) to help me in the bedroom. The truth is, I’ve been taking this drug for a long time.
And it’s not because I have a medical issue, like cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Nope. I’m actually in good health for a thirty-five-year old.
Instead, I use “V” because I like knowing my equipment will work when the moment arrives.
That’s why I was so utterly disappointed in myself for being stupid enough to think I could buy a knock-off version of sildenafil from an online “pharmacy”.
Now before I dive too far in, you need to know that I have a prescription for Viagra from my doctor. But here’s what you may not know. A real 25 mg Viagra pill made by Pfizer can cost up to $75.00 a pop.
Oh, I know what you are thinking. “You can get the generic version for way less!” This may be true but when you order from some e-tailers, you may not be getting what you think.
If you don’t believe me, check out this post from GoodRx. Today, there are several manufacturers of “V”. There’s also a ton of counterfeiters.
So, here is what happened to me. Several months ago, I ordered a pack of 10 at the price of $7.00 per 25 mg pill ($70.00 total plus free shipping and handling).
Mind you, the cost of real Viagra at my local pharmacy is around $450.00 for just six pills. That’s a big difference, don’t you think?
All I can say is wow – was I naive.
I’ll never forget when the package arrived at my home. I was so excited because that very night, I had something planned with a regular hook up (read between the lines).
In looking at what came in the mail, the pills looked like the real deal. They were blue and had the familiar “diamond” shape I was accustomed too. Additionally, each pill was stamped with the number “25”.
Great stuff, right? Not exactly. In fact, not at all.
I don’t know about you but I tend to cut my V’s into small pieces. One traditional 25 mg tablet (for me) usually can be split into four individual doses (around 6 mg).

And so that’s what I did. After splitting one of them up, I popped a piece into my mouth and chased it down with a sip of water. All of this happened a good four hours before my planned “fun” was to arrive (read between the lines).
Related: Men can become sad after intimacy
Historically, about an hour after taking sildenafil, I can quickly tell the thing is working. I won’t go into all of the details here but let’s just say it’s obvious. If you have ever taken sildenafil, you know exactly what I mean.
But sadly, that familiar awareness never came to me. And it’s not like I didn’t try to get things going because I did (read between the lines).
Worried something was up (or not up to be more exact), I decided to take another piece.
Another hour passed – still nothing.
Feeling desperate, I decided to call no joy and take the remaining pieces. “WTF is going on? Why isn’t this working?” I kept saying to myself.
Long story short, when my hook up arrived, I was a hot mess. Not only was I feeling ripped off, but I was also (woefully) unprepared.
In other words, I’m talking about a complete failure to launch. We’re talking flaccid-ville here folks. Zippo. Nada.
In thinking about it, I am confident my emotional state largely contributed to the problem. The truth is, your mood largely influences the entire dynamic. And my oversized expectations of getting something on the cheap didn’t help.
Long story short, I ended up apologizing to my visitor and asked for a raincheck. In writing this all out now, I still feel embarrassed.
So, here is the moral of this story. If you regularly take a prescription drug for ED, don’t be a cheapo like me. That old saying, “You get what you pay for” turns out to be entirely true.
The good news is I’ve since picked up the real pills from my local pharmacy. I couldn’t afford six by I was able to buy three. That came out to just north of $220.00.
Oh, I’ve also had the chance to reconnect with that “raincheck” I talked about earlier. Thankfully, things worked out much better.
So here’s the real deal. I won’t ever buy sildenafil online again. To me, it was a total waste of time – and money. Perhaps you’ve had a different experience. If so, good on you. I’m glad someone did.