Kmart seems to be leaving Florida Keys
It looks like Kmart will be shutting down its two remaining stores in the Florida Keys, according to a report appearing in the Miami Herald. Owned by Transform Holdco, the iconic American retailer has been closing stores at a rapid clip since late 2020.
Members of the Sears Holdings Kmart and Sears Fan Group on Facebook reacted to the news with sadness. Said one member, “Sickens me to no end.”. Another shared, “Betting all Kmart’s will be gone by end of the year.”
Indeed, there aren’t many Kmarts left. Once the Florida Keys stores close, there will only be 21 stores left in the United States. A bitter end for a company that once had over 2,300 stores in America.
The apparent shuttering of the Florida stores comes as no surprise to followers of the chain. A recent video posted on YouTube of the Key Largo location shows just how far the retail giant has fallen. Notice the baron isle and lack of customers.
As I reflect on the slow death of Kmart, I can’t help but remember what a significant role it once played in my life. As a child growing up in the 80s, Kmart was the place my family would go to for school supplies, clothing, and household items. If you can believe it, I still have a Kitchen Master Crock-Pot [Kmart Crock Cooker] from back in the day.
But Kmart isn’t the only retail chain quickly fading away. Its sister company, Sears, has been working overtime since 2020 to close down its remaining locations. According to a report in Forbes, there will only be 28 stores left by May or June. Keep in mind that at one time, Sears had over 3,500 in the United States.
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At any rate, if you are hoping to get your nostalgia on, you might want to head over to the Kmart website. In very limited supplies, you will find some items for sale. But look carefully before buying because many of the items listen are not shippable. Moreover, a lot of what you will see isn’t offered from Kmart at all, but instead, third- party vendors.
When is the last time you shopped at Kmart? Are you sad to see them slip into oblivion?