3 Tips For Helping You Rock a Hot Summer Body

fitness tips for men

Healthy living makes us feel more comfortable and look hotter

Spring is practically here and warm summer days are just around the corner – but are you ready to hit the beach and show some muscle and skin? If not, don't panic! Here at GayPopBuzz, we offer the best tips to improve the appearance of your skin and body in time for those long summer days. 

A flat belly is a badge of honor. It’s an outward sign that you keep fit and watch what you eat. Here are some ways to get ripped before summer.

1. Drink lemon water in morning empty stomach

Lemon water is an effective way to reduce weight as it increases the body’s metabolic rate. Drinking lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach every morning can produce amazing results. Along with the weight loss benefits, it also has numerous other benefits such as, making the skin cleaner and boosting the immune system

2. Work the whole unit

Your abs aren’t everything. Working your obliques, transverse abdominals and lower back will prevent imbalances and, as a side bonus, will let you lift bigger. You can find many work-out tutorials on YouTube.

Here's a work-out by hot bae Brett Cap to get the bubble butt of your dreams.

3. Focus on your Diet 

In order to burn fat and reveal your washboard, six-pack abs, it is important to eat a balanced diet that is made up of protein, healthy fats, and some carbohydrates.

Protein helps form the building blocks of muscle and is probably the most important macronutrient of them all, mainly because your body burns a ton of calories digesting protein.

Follow our rules and you will definitely slay all the pool parties, saunas or chill-outs this summer. Remember that one of the biggest keys to getting in shape for summer is starting before it hits!

In celebration of the warm days, we have compiled our favorite thirst traps, whose beach-ready bodies are goals! 

