Nearly 60% of Gay Men Unhappy with their Body (Research)

gay men body image

Body Image and gay men

Research findings released today by gay focused Attitude UK finds that nearly 60% of gay men are unhappy with their body.

The study seems to confirm other research that suggests gay men struggle with appearing attractive and that body image issues play a large role in self-esteem.

The study was conducted in January, 2017. 5000 of Attitude’s readers took part, responding to the question: How happy are you with your body?

The results:

  • 49% per cent reported feeling “Unhappy”,
  • 10% per cent said they were “Very unhappy”
  • 23 per cent of respondents said they felt “Happy”
  • 17 per cent reported having “No strong feelings either way
  • 1% indicated being “Very Happy” with the way they looked

Mental health professionals have long been concerned about the role of body image and self-perception among gay men.

While the research is somewhat scattered, some studies suggest that gay men are at greater risk for developing an eating disorder because of intense pressure to look “hot”.

Recently, GPB published an article that explored the issue of male body image issues within the community and revealed 7 tell-tale signs of a serious problem.

Related: 7 signs you struggle with body image issues

There are a number of theories about why gay men seem to view their bodies more critically than other groups. Potential spheres of influence include:

  • High emphasis on youthful, muscular bodies in print and digital form.
  • Sub-cultural norms that celebrate attractive, well developed physiques.
  • The phenomenon of fat shaming; a behavior that numerous studies seem to suggest is an issue within the gay male community.
  • Stigmatizing gay men who are overweight or have imperfect physiques. See this book.
  • Constant emphasis on the perfect male physique in pop-culture, particularly among gay male focused blogs (yes, this would include GPB).

Some gay men, particularly those who consider themselves to be overweight, struggle so much with body image issues that they feel alienated from the LGBTQ community.

Related: “Gay fat men aren’t welcome at pride”

Given the results of the survey put out by Attitude, we’re publishing a poll below that asks you to choose your level of happiness – or unhappiness – with your physique.

The poll is anonymous. Be sure to come back and see results as they update.

h/t: Attitude UK

By: John Hollywood