14 Ways To De-Stress During Hard Times

How To De-stress

Hey, bud. You ok? There’s a lot going on right now, and maybe it’s time that you detach for a second and find a way to de-stress. But how can you do that? Here are 14 simple ways for you to relax.


The first idea is to get your heart pumping and your body moving. Exercising can help you focus on something other than what’s stressing you. If your body’s burning off calories, we doubt you’ll have time to think about other things.


Or maybe you just need to shut everything off and go to sleep. Consider taking a nap if you think you’re being brought down by negative and stressful thoughts. Perhaps, you’ll wake up with a new perspective on the matter.


Who doesn’t love a nice hot shower or a warm soak in the bathtub? There’s something about being surrounded by water that makes life so much easier to bear. So enjoy a little time soaking up and chilling out.

Get Out In Nature

But if getting in water at your home isn’t enough, consider getting into a natural surrounding outside of your home. Go camping, go for a hike, rent out a cabin in the woods. Being able to change your location can help you get rid of that stress.

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Or maybe you’ll want to learn ways to better manage your stress. If so, meditation may be the key that you need. Or, consider yoga which uses some factors of meditation. If that sounds interesting, we have some more info about that.

Hang Out With Animals

Another great way to relieve stress is to hang out with animals. There’s just something great about enjoying time with a dog or a cat.

Listen To Music

Or maybe, you need to just listen to music and zone out the world. Listen to your favorite song or listen to an entire soundtrack. Then, get lost in the artist of your choice.

Recite Lyrics

Speaking of your favorite song, a good way to get out your mind off what’s stressing you is to focus on something else. One specific thing to distract your mind is the practice of reciting the lyrics to your favorite song. Go ahead, just try it! “Coming out of my cage and I've been doin' just fine….”

Listen To A Podcast

Or maybe you need to listen to a good podcast. Whether it’s comedians talking about love and life, it’s financial advice from an expert, or interviews from a warzone, there’s plenty of podcast options out there to experience.

Read A Book

Or maybe you need to get away to another world. If so, try reading a book. This could be a new book or one of your favorite novels from your childhood. Ah, better times.

Watch TV

But if reading is too much right now, get lost in a good tv show. From comedies to dramas or maybe a little horror. There’s plenty of streaming platforms and options to choose.

Eat Something Unhealthy

This one’s pretty easy. Eat some ice cream or a good burger. Trust us, you’ll thank us later.

Call A Friend

Or maybe you need some outside support. If so, reach out to a close friend and get them to talk about their day. Good friends are kind and comforting. They bring you a happiness and joy that will lift up your spirits and put a smile on your face.

Have Sex

And if a friend can’t help, get a lover or even a stranger to come distract you. Having a sexual encounter has been proven by science to increase dopamine levels and lower stress. So has enjoying some self-pleasuring time. And we’re sure many of you readers out there don’t disagree.

Lowering Stress

These are stressful times and there’s a lot going on in the world around us. But if you need a second to detach and de-stress before jumping back into it all, we hope one of these 14 solutions will help.

About Devin Jackson Randall 566 Articles
Geek by chance, and an artist by birth. Devin is a journalist and blogger who's always glad to share insights and developments on men's issues. Aside from news stories, he often writes about the roles placed upon men by society, and how both affect the relationships around us. Click on the hyperlinked text to follow him on --> Twitter. Email him at --> [email protected]