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Libra Man in Bed Revealed
By: Darius Longfellow
What is the Libra man like in bed? Do they have a lot of stamina? And what exactly turns them on? If you have been searching for answers, you’ve come to the right place.
That’s because this post is all about the Libra man in bed. I’m about to reveal to you what really gets our cork to pop and how you can get us going under the sheets.
I’ve read most of the web pages about this Air sign and I’m here to tell you the vast majority are pure garbage. I say this because as a Libra male, it is obvious to me that these posts are written by women who don’t have the foggiest idea about who we are.
That’s why I decided to write this page to set the record straight about what Libra men in bed are really like.
There are a couple of things I want to get out of the way first. I am not an astrologer or a psychic. In fact, I’m not even a writer. To pen this piece, I needed to get serious help from an expert in all things spiritual and put my thoughts into words.
Related: Aries man in bed revealed
The truth is, I’m a mid-30s delivery man for UPS who is trying to better my life situation by attending night school. You are here to get the real deal, so that’s why I’m sharing all of this, unfiltered.
Are you ready to get the skinny on Libra guys in bed? Check it out:
BEST MATCHES: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, Libra
WORST MATCHES: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn

1. We are attentive lovers
As a tribe, Libra men are very attentive in bed. This means we are interested in what turns you on and engaging in activities that get you excited.
For optimal excitement, it helps a lot if we have an emotional connection with you. In fact, the deeper the better. While we are OK with quick hookups, we much prefer an emotional connection as a starting point.
2. We are competitive
If we get the slightest whiff that one of your previous lovers was good in bed with you, we’re going to get competitive. This means we will try to outdo what your previous mate did under the sheets.
I’m sharing this with you because it may be wise to filter out some of the intimate details of your previous relationships. That’s because we are wired to win. This trait is literally part of our spiritual DNA.
3. Regularity is good
We are down for a hot time with you at almost any time. But to keep things balanced, it helps us if there is some regularity in place. By this I mean if we’re doing it twice a week, we’d like to keep it that way.
If there is a disturbance in the universe and things get reduced, we’re going to pick up on it. I am sorry to say this but we are creatures of habit.

4. Erogenous zones
If you want to know where our erogenous zone is, aim for below the belt. Specifically, I’m talking about that place where our boys reside. There’s just something about this area that gets us going.
We like it when you gently touch this area with your fingers and mouth. Spending a little time here can go a long way in creating an explosive response later on.
Oh, I almost forgot. We also like it when you touch the center of our back. This is the area where balance resides. Use your palms to massage this area. In turn, you will find that we get very excited.
5. We release a lot
I won’t get super specific here because I think you know what I’m getting at. But here is the thing. For us to spew like a volcano, we really need to feel connected to you.
Part of establishing that connection means letting us explore you and engage in activities that are new to you. The more energy we exchange, the more likely we are to explode in epic amounts.
Enough said.
6. Hygiene matters
Have you trimmed and shaped? Do your private areas smell fresh and clean? Have you properly douched? I’m asking you these things because a Libra man in your bed is going to pick up on everything.
Nothing turns us on more than a good-smelling hole to explore. While you don’t have to smell like a bed of roses, you want to make sure body odor – in all its forms – is at a minimum. You can be sure we will do the same.
If backdoor action is part of the dynamic (something we dig), be sure to clean yourself really well.

7. Verbal works
If you like talking during action, that is OK with us. We are OK with sweet and sensual or downright dirty. The key is to let us know what you like and what you don’t.
Part of establishing a connection with you is understanding your responses. Using words to communicate is probably the best way to make this happen.
If you are into any kind of rough action, letting us know your safe word is critical. I’m mentioning this because we sometimes get carried away and need to be brought back down to earth.
8. Role play is OK
Not all signs are into role play but Libra men can be. In fact, it can be a huge turn-on for us. While we tend to fall on the dominant side of things, this doesn’t mean we can’t be submissive.
Talk with us about your fantasy and we will do our best to make it happen. As long as we share a strong level of trust, we’re good to go. Fantasy play revs up our imagination and juices.

9. Strong stamina
You won’t have to worry about your Libra man lasting in bed. We can go for as long as you like. And you know what else? We’re also down for seconds and thirds.
The sexual energy of a Libra male can be very powerful and is sometimes more than a person can handle. Because of our competitive nature, we tend to wait for you to release before we do.
Don’t be freaked out if your Libra man waits until you are finished. This is a sign we really want to please you.
10. Clingy sucks
If you are the type of person who gets all needy and clingy, stay away from us. We can smell it a mile away and will turn our sausage into a limb biscuit.
If you like us, we will know. Intimacy for us is a fun, bonding experience. When it becomes a tool of validation – because you hold a lot of insecurity – it messes with us.
That may sound rough to hear, but I’m just telling you straight.
And you should know that Libra men may project an outward sense of confidence, but deep inside they struggle with self-esteem. That’s why the clingy thing is triggery for us – and why it turns us off.

When you get into an intimate relationship with a Libra man, you will find yourself very satisfied. Because we are intellectual and emotional all at once, we’re going to spend time checking you out before hopping into the sack.
Once we start doing it, you will find a mate that is attentive and connected. Talking about the things you like helps us both achieve desired results.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
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