Naughty Santas To Wind Down The Holiday Season

Feel The Christmas Spirit

Merry Christmas, Men’s Variety readers!

The holiday season has been long, joyful, and stressful for us all. And now, it’s ending on its final fumes and hours. For those out there who have enjoyed the family time but also need a mental break from gift buying, unhealthy eating, and more, we’ve got you covered. Or should we say, Santa’s got you covered.

Yes, one other side of the Christmas season is all the Santas running around. From Santa’s helpers showing up in malls to Santa’s naughty mimics appearing on social media. And it’s the latter that we’re sharing with you.

For all of you out there needing a little mental break and breather, look no further than below. Here are some images of naughty Santas to jingle your bells this holiday season.

Naughty Male Santas

December is the time for naughty Santas. All your favorite Thirst Trap Kings are out sharing holiday cheer in their best naughty Santa outfits. And we’re happy to share that cheer with you all below.

Naughty Female Santas (Or Mrs. Clauses)

But the men aren’t the only ones enjoying the festive side of the holidays. Women are getting some of the naughty on too. For our straight Men’s Variety readers (and lesbian readers too!), here’s a little something for you to enjoy!

Happy Holidays, folks!