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Aries Man in Bed Revealed
What’s the Aries man like in bed? Is he passionate? Does he have the stamina to go the distance?
If you are looking for the answers, you’ve come to the right place. That’s because I’m an Aries man and know exactly what we’re like in the sack.
Related: Learn about the Aries Man Personality
Other posts on the web proclaim to have expert knowledge on this topic but upon closer inspection, they fail miserably. The reason? Almost all are written from the female perspective.
Wouldn’t you rather have an Aries man tell you what he’s like in bed?
I apologize if that sounds arrogant. It’s just that I’ve grown tired of people who aren’t Aries or male telling the rest of us how we are in the biblical sense – which is why I decided to write this post.
I’m about to give you some serious insight into the male Ram that I promise you’ll get nowhere else. My hope is that you’ll apply the concepts shared on this page to your own relationship to maximize success.
If you play your cards right – you could even have that Aries man you’re eyeing begging to come back for more. So, let’s get right to it. Here are 10 facts about the Aries man in bed.
1. We have a high libido
I’m just going to come out and say it – Aries men tend to have high sexual energy. This means they are down for getting it on with you morning, noon, or night.
If pressed to pick an optimal time, it would likely be late evening, but that is only because of moon cycles. But in the general sense, you will find that we aren’t fussy about the clock.
In short, this means whenever you are ready, we are too.
2. We have strong stamina
As a tribe, Aries men are competitive creatures that enjoy making things last. When it comes to intimacy, we pace ourselves as part of the buildup.
Physical foreplay helps us to create a bodily connection with you. This means we like to touch and be touched as part of the dynamic. Unlike Pisces men who are super intuitive, Aries guys thrive in the physical.
Related: Pisces man in bed revealed
This means it’s OK to pet out our snake, touch our sack, and use your fingers to inspect the woodwork. All of these things help to keep us going – for the distance.
3. We like to initiate
Ruled by Mars, passion, and impulsivity run through our blood. In the realm of intimacy, this means we are down to make the first move.
Here is the thing you need to know about us in this area – we aren’t always gentle. Don’t be surprised if you feel our soldier at full attention, rubbing against your thigh. I realize this may seem uncouth, but I’m trying to give you the real deal.
When an Aries man initiates, you won’t be stuck playing guessing games about our intentions. It’s going to be obvious in all the ways that matter.
This doesn’t mean we don’t want you to get the ball going. We are down with that. But when you do it, don’t beat around the bush. Go for what you want with confidence. You’ll find we’re more than ready to oblige.

4. Role-play is hot
If you talk to any Aries man, he’ll tell you we are the adventurous type. We like to change things up occasionally in the bedroom, which means role-play.
When you are open to this activity, it allows us to step outside of our normal self and become something else. It could be playing out your fantasy of getting with a policeman or firefighter. Or we can be the hot UPS delivery dude you’ve dreamed about.
It also turns us on immensely when you are open to role-play. Examples include becoming a seductive nurse or housemaid. I realize that may sound sexist, but you came here for the truth and I’m giving it to you straight up. Keep in mind that role-play isn’t a “must”. Instead, it is simply an idea to keep things interesting.
5. Verbal is a turn on
Some zodiac signs, like Scorpio, don’t need a lot of conversation in the bedroom because of their empathic abilities. I’m here to tell you the opposite is true for the Aries male.
Related: The Scorpio man in bed
For us, it is important to have some amount of verbal communication when getting it on. It’s OK to let us know what you like and don’t like.
And it’s also OK to talk dirty.
I’m not saying we’re into name-calling or anything like that. But I am suggesting that allowing us to dominate you gets our juices flowing. Don’t be afraid to get loud. Conversely, don’t freak out if we do the same.
6. We’re uninhibited
I’m just going to put it out there and say we are down for the unusual and freaky. This means we like to explore ALL parts of your body and we appreciate it when you do the same.
If you’ve never experienced a mouth on different parts of your body – and want to – Aries men are a really good match. We like getting into places that typically don’t receive a lot of attention.
This also means that toys work for us. Putting something on us that vibrates is extremely hot. Just for fun, I’m going to link to an idea for a pleasure ring on Amazon so that you get the idea.

7. Outdoors is fun
In the general sense, Aries men tend to be the outdoorsy type. Much of this has to do with being adventurous and competitive. But how does this relate to intimacy?
It’s really quite simple. We like getting it on outside.
Hooking up in a tent, by a firepit, or really on a rock works for us. And while we value privacy, this doesn’t mean we worry about being watched. Yep, you read that right. It’s OK for many of us to be seen. Part of the rush for us is being caught!
I know that may sound wild, but I’m just telling you like it is. Stand us up against an oak tree or get your mission style on in some cool grass and we are going to love it!
8. What we look for in a partner
Because many of us struggle with ADD, we look for mates who can quickly grab (and keep) our attention. This means changing things up, being flexible, and thinking unconventionally are key.
I hate to admit this, but Aries men can get bored quickly.
This is why taking on the role of entertainer from time to time increases your chances of relational success.
As mentioned earlier, we tend to be uninhibited. What I didn’t mention is that we prize partners who can do the same. You don’t have to be as wild as we are, but you do need to have an openness here.
We like it raw and primal. Use your intuition here to guide you in the bedroom.
Here are some other things we look for in a mate:
- Physically fit: Because we take care of our bodies, we prefer partners who do the same. Having a limber, flexible body that can keep up with us matters – a lot.
- Submissive persona: We like mates who cater to our whims. This means being submissive and letting us dominate you. If you can’t do this, intimacy isn’t going to work.
- Athletic-minded: If you are athletic or sports-minded, that is a huge turn-on for us because of our competitive personalities.
- Confidence: If you know who you are and are confident in your body, you’ll find that we are drawn to you like moths to a flame. Confidence is our kryptonite.
- Orally minded: Aries men love oral. It’s that simple. We like giving it and receiving it. If that’s not your bag, there are going to be problems.

9. We release a lot
When the buildup of energy is intense and long-lasting, we tend to release a lot. I’m mentioning this because many partners Aries men are a bit shocked at first in the aftermath.
Should you witness this with your mate, consider it a positive sign and affirmation that the experience was powerful. It might be a good idea to keep a washcloth around for cleanup, depending on the situation.
10. Aftercare and cuddling
After an intense session, Aries men like to cuddle. We prefer that you not rush off to the bathroom to clean up or insist that we do the same.
Instead, we would much rather you let us hold you in our arms and relax. Kissing, touching, and petting are all welcome during this time period.
I’ll be honest with you on this point – there is a time stamp involved. Fifteen minutes top. If it goes longer than that, our minds start to wander. So, if you are good with a shorter cuddling period, you’ll find the experience to be powerful.
Aries men are like the challenge of the chase. In the bedroom, we are uninhibited, dynamic, and non-traditional. Trying new things really gets our blood flowing.
What turns us on most is when you are curious, talkative, and somewhat submissive. When the connection is right, we can go for hours.
Remember we are fire signs. This means passion and energy rule our world. Good matches for us tend to be Leo, Sagittarius, and Libra.
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