“‘My face also looks AMAZING”
If you can believe it, Human Ken Doll (Rodrigo Alves) just put himself through another surgery. This time, he had his entire rear end worked on.
Seriously – he did.
In what’s being billed as the world’s first “Spider Web Butt Lift”, Alves traveled to Istanbul, Turkey for the procedure. You may be wondering what’s all involved?
Apparently, a lot.

According the Mail Online, the “Spider Web Butt Lift” involves taking 700 video threads of fat from the back and waist. The grizzle is then deposited into buttocks. The goal is to achieve a “plump” look.
Alves’s reaction to the surgery (his sixth this month) was positive. As reported in The Mail:
“I feel good. My butt is very swollen and purple right now but it looks really good and ready for summer – it's really perfect, I’m very happy.”
According to same interview, Mr. Alves also had fat transferred from his mid-section to his face. He shares that he thinks he looks totally rad!
“'My face also looks AMAZING – I am 33 years old but I look much better now.’

It was just a few weeks ago that the Human Ken Doll showed off his $30,000 fake six-pack on the beach and told the world that he hopes to one day be a fitness model.
In case you don’t know, the most recent surgery now makes for his 57th.

Mr. Alves is currently on world whirlwind travel schedule. That’s because he’s filming his show, Plastics of Hollywood. Destination points include Russia, Athens and even Korea with his sidekick, Pixiee.
His goal is to educate people everywhere about beauty.
“I want to educate people with my experiences, and spread awareness of doctors out there that are able to implement technology and beauty, he shared with The Mail.
Main photo credit and h/t: Daily Mail