Gym Bag Essentials for Men
Are you a single man that frequents the gym? If the answer is yes, chances are you are hoping to pump your muscles up so that others will take notice. And while the gym “technically” isn’t supposed to be a place to prospect for dates, the reality is many of us have met that special someone while working out.
So, if you are in the camp of men who believes that the gym can offer a place to stay fit and (perhaps) meet someone, it’s important to know what you should pack into your gym bag. You never know when opportunity will knock.
What follows are seven simple suggestions for you to consider. Some of these tips may seem obvious while others may cause you to pause and reflect. Read them all to get the most from this piece.
Let’s jump right in!
1. Mini Hair Brush
This one probably sounds silly, but it needs to be listed. A small brush can come in handy just before you hit the gym floor. If it’s windy outside or has been raining, your hair is going to be a mess. Why pretend otherwise?
There’s nothing vein about doing a quick fix in the restroom before making your debut. This tip is super easy. You can pick up a mini-brush from the folks at Goody (See Amazon). Don’t forget the hair gel!
2. Baseball Cap
There are going to be times where your hair just isn’t going to cooperate, no matter how much you teased it before leaving the house. And depending upon what exercises you will be partaking in, it’s likely going to get messed up anyway.
If you want to focus on building muscles and not on re-doing your hair, throw in a baseball cap and forget about it. That way when you get to your gym, you can just put it on should the need arise.
Check out this Adidas cap from Amazon as an example.
3. Deodorant
Do you take a shower at your gym? A lot of guys do but there are some who don’t. Obviously, the choice is up to you but regardless, it’s no excuse for your pits to stink.
It is for this reason you want to have a strong men’s deodorant in your bag. No need to go crazy picking a product. Old Spice has several excellent choices to consider. Visit Amazon for pricing.
4. Business Cards
Yes, we live in an in era of smartphones and instant communications but there’s just something cool about giving someone your business card. This helps vibe out a professional demeanor and lets people know what you do for a living.
If you are worried about keeping your business cards nice and neat, place a handful of them in a leather business card holder. Main Street Forge offers an excellent product to consider (See Amazon). That’s an easy addition to your bag, right?
5. Breath Mints
Have you ever talked to a fellow gymgoer, only to be disappointed when you got a whiff of their breath? It’s kind of a letdown, isn’t it?
Well if you don’t want to be “that guy” – just toss in a pack of Mentos into your gym bag (See Amazon). You never know when these might come in handy … really!
6. Workout Gloves
Think workout gloves are silly? Think again. When you wear workout gloves, you are doing a lot to save your hands and prevent the visible signs of aging.
While this may not seem important now, it will matter when you are older. You can get a nice pair of all-around workout gloves for a reasonable price at most sporting outlets or online. We found a really cool pair on Amazon.
7. Moisturizer
If you shower at your gym, there’s a good chance you are using the lotion they provide to you to moisturize. There’s nothing wrong with this but it is important to recognize that most gyms don’t offer a quality product. In fact, most of them are pretty crappy.
That’s why you need to toss in a something portable that can act as a face and body moisturizer – which takes up less space in your bag.
A high quality, low price item to consider is Lubriderm’s Men’s 3 in 1 lotion (see Amazon). Not only will it moisturize your face and bod – this one also acts as a great post shaving balm.
Bonus Tip
And what about your gym bag? Is the one you are using now able to fit in your belongings or do you struggle for space? Why not replace it with something new that can handle a man-sized load?
Under Armour sells a durable, swank looking product that vibes out masculine. Check Amazon for price.