Table of Contents
How many of these butthole facts do you know?
The male butthole. What an amazing thing! As a gay man, I must say that I’ve always been fascinated by my hole. And not just mine! Let’s just say if a guy has a nice behind, my imagination starts going.
Because I like to write about science and human physiology from time to time, I thought it might be fun to pen this piece about the human butthole – from a gay man’s perspective.
When you think about it, many of us view our holes as a sexual organ. I’m talking about men who are versatile or full on bottoms.
More: How gay men use enemas to bottom
I’ve tried to write this in a way that is free of super complicated language. But in some places, it can’t be helped. Hey, we’re talking about your anus guys and it is part of human physiology!
Butthole Awareness
Now before we continue, I want you to take a deep breath and allow yourself to get in touch with your hole. No, I am not asking you to literally feel it (although you can if you want).
Instead, I’m simply encouraging you to become a bit mindful so you can get the most out of what follows. In this way, you’ll be in a much better position – no pun intended – to absorb what follows.
Once you feel nice and comfy, continue reading.
1. Origins of the human butthole
The first thing to know about your hole is that it didn’t just become circular overnight. Thanks to human evolution and by extension, your caveman ancestors, your butthole (and mine) came to be.
At one time, all life (including humans) lived in the sea. Through the process of adaptation, we became ground-based, bipedal creatures. That was nearly 4 million years ago (Columbia University, n.d.).
To excrete, those first land-based creatures learned to squat, which allowed for the evacuation of fecal matter from the anus. In this very primitive way, the human butthole was born!
2. High concentration of nerve endings
There’s a huge myth floating around that suggests the human anus doesn’t have any nerve endings. If you’ve heard this before, make sure you ditch that piece of misinformation – fast.
That’s because your butthole – deep inside – has a dense concentration of nerves. One of the biggest is the pudendal nerve, located in the pelvic region.
That nerve (plus your prostate gland) is one of the reasons it can feel so good when you bottom or when a finger is gently inserted.
As an aside, if you are interested in learning how to make bottoming less painful, be sure to read this first-time anal post for gay men.
3. Butthole muscles help you splooge
Think about the last time you released. Were you aware that you slightly tightened your hole during the process? Yep, you sure did!
See, your butthole muscles are called upon whenever you squirt. That’s why it’s important to regularly exercise your hole. Kegel exercises are great for this.
When done correctly, your abdominal muscles, thighs, and buttocks join together to help create a powerful fountain!
4. Straight guys like their holes played with too
There’s a giant misnomer floating around that suggests only gay men bottom. It’s simply not true. There’s plenty of scientific evidence to suggests that increasingly, straight guys like anal too.
In fact, up to 25% of men who identify as heterosexual are into some form of anal. And those numbers likely under-represent the truth.
5. Anal rejuvenation is in
Like any part of your body that others might see (aka like your face) you probably want to keep it looking young and attractive. But in the case of your hole, is this really possible?
The answer is yes!
In recent years, anal rejuvenation among gay men has become huge. Prices run the gambit – but let’s just say it’s not cheap. Here’s a post that explores anal Botox in detail.
6. Buttholes help muffle farts
Farts are funny – well, unless they smell. But the truth is all of us do it. Human biology is such that pent-up intestinal gasses require occasional discharge.
That’s why your hole likely has hair around it. While we can’t be sure, there are some lines of thinking to suggest that the hair itself acts as a muffler.
No, it can’t mute the sound but it can help quiet the sound.
Think about that the next time you go to wax your hole!
7. Average poop happens every 24-hours
Everyone has a different body clock that regulates pooping frequency. On average, research tells us most folks dump at least once every 24-hours.
That said, there are some folks who poop 3-times a week and others who go multiple times a day. Check out this post on gay men and digestive health to learn more.
8. Your butthole may like coffee
Does that sound strange – coffee for your rear? As odd as it seems, some people respond well to a dose of caffeine gently squeezes up the behind.
Specifically, it’s called a coffee enema. Many gay men have found this a natural, warm, and wonderful way of cleaning out the rectum.
9. Prostate milking carries benefits
Ever hear of prostate milking? It’s a simple term used to describe the massaging of the prostate. Not only does it feel great, it also carries certain health benefits.
Stronger erections, more intense orgasms, and better prostate health are just a few possibilities. We’ve listed them all out in this prostate milking post.
10. Intelligence and butt size aren’t linked
Generally speaking, men have smaller butts than our female counterparts. Depending on your personal preference, you may wish your behind was smaller or larger.
That said, butt size has nothing to do with intelligence. There’s been a silly rumor floating around that suggests otherwise. Thankfully, the folks at Snopes rectified things (no pun intended).
11. Your hole can develop bumps if you sit on it too long
Yep, if you sit on your arse too long, you can get hemorrhoids. Ever have them? They suck because they get all itchy and make it super hard to wipe after … well, going number two. Thank goodness for Preparation H! See point 15 on wiping.
12. Get your prostate checked
If you are a man who is 40-years of age or older, you should have your prostate checked on an annual basis. While the numbers are somewhat scatted, current research published by the U.S. government suggests around 11.4% of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.
The good news is that if you catch it early, there’s a very high rate of survival.
13. Your hole is a spiritual thing
If you are a new-ager or someone who believes in chakras, you’ll be happy to know that your butthole is a spiritual thing. Seriously, it is!
That’s because many forward-thinking people believe that the anus is a powerful source of primal instinct. Wiccans call this area of the body a “cone of power”.
If you want to create a stronger spiritual bond with your hole, be sure to read this post on awakening your root chakra!
14. Everyone has a different smelling hole
This one may seem silly but is worth mentioning. No two buttholes smell the same. That’s because each of us secretes certain pheromones through an anal gland.
This is why some guys have sweet smelling butts and others stink to high heaven. There’s no right or wrong way your hole should smell. OK, after you clean it out, you want it to smell nice but that doesn’t mean it will.
This is why it's so important to soap up your fingers and really get DEEP inside of your hole to totally clean it out. In some cases, you may need to douche.
15. Wiping your butthole correctly is important
The last point on this topic relates to wiping your hole. The truth is a lot of guys do it wrong. As a result, they end up turning off their tricks.
Just because you are a top doesn’t mean you don’t need to make sure it’s clean. Read this post on how one man had to call off a hook up after seeing his trick’s skid marks.
Bringing it all together
Your butthole is a beautiful, amazing thing. Learn all you can about how it functions. Anal health is important, particularly as we age.
Just for fun, here’s a butthole poll to assess your knowledge!

Thanks for reading!
Columbia University. (n.d.). The Genus Australopithecus. Retrieved from Columbia University Anthropology Department: