Jay-Z Released A Song Honoring His Gay Mother
Jay-Z Says Just Smile Jay-Z’s new album 4:44 came out and fans are celebrating. The album talks about a lot of hot topics such as his childhood and his affair behind Beyoncé’s back. But one […]
Jay-Z Says Just Smile Jay-Z’s new album 4:44 came out and fans are celebrating. The album talks about a lot of hot topics such as his childhood and his affair behind Beyoncé’s back. But one […]
Sense8 To Return Thank the Netflix execs, because Sense8 is back! But sadly, only for two hours. That’s right, the powers that be at Netflix have listened to the fans cries and have announced that […]
UK to Distribute PrEP To “High-Risk” Groups Seeing as today is National HIV Testing day, its important that we recognize the progression we’ve made towards helping those get tested and helping others prevent getting the […]
How to make your own face mask Are you a man that’s struggling to get radiant skin? Are you hoping to acquire some useful tips to preserve your appearance? Do you want to look as […]
After posting his rants on social media, cops stopped him. Police in Barrow, England have announced they have arrested a 19-year-old male homophobe in connection with anti-gay threats on an LGBT+ event taking place at […]
Were hookups hot 600,000 years ago? Not long ago, we had a conversation here at the blog about what life might have been like for cave gays. Oh, haven’t you heard of that term? Cave […]
New Justice Gorsuch dissented As reported in USA Today, The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an anti-LGBTQ Arkansas law that treated same-sex couples differently than opposite-sex couples on their children’s birth certificates, over the […]
LGBT Jewish Pride Flags Banned at Chicago Festivities Over the weekend, news spread that Jewish Pride Flags were banned from the Pride Parade in Chicago. Apparently, the decision was made by organizers per a report […]
The School Fired Him For Being Bi? Nicholas Breiner was a chorus teacher for McNabb Middle School in Kentucky. He was, but not anymore. Breiner had the idea to be physical representation for young LGBTQ […]
Saying I love you doesn’t always require words There’s nothing quite like hearing the words I love you from a man. I’ll never forget the first time my guy said it to me. Just thinking […]
The more sex you have, the smarter you become We’ve long known the physiological health benefits of having sex. But did you know that frequent romps can make you smarter? According to a survey at […]
Syphilis is on the Rise Be careful guys, syphilis is on the rise. In fact, numbers are coming back for the STI, thanks to Public Health England or PHE, and it looks like the numbers […]
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