5 Simple Cocktails To Try At Home
5 Simple Cocktail Recipes Let’s all be thankful for alcohol! While we’re all stuck in our homes, there have been a few mainstays in our lives. Streaming services, social media craziness, and alcohol. We’re sure […]
5 Simple Cocktail Recipes Let’s all be thankful for alcohol! While we’re all stuck in our homes, there have been a few mainstays in our lives. Streaming services, social media craziness, and alcohol. We’re sure […]
The entertainment world is facing a never before seen situation. Movies are getting postponed, pushed back, and released digitally for lowered amounts than if released in theaters. But with all of the bad and unfortunate […]
Should You Go Camping? With so much happening in the world, it may be time to just pack up and head off into the woods. Get away and get back in touch with nature. It […]
Should You Join A Book Club? Knowledge is power, right? So, can the same be said about reading? With so much time on our hands, we may be wondering what there is to do to […]
Everywhere you look, you can find a list of 30 things women should do before turning 30. But what about the men? Well, here’s a list of 30 things men should do before turning 30. […]
Lately, everyone’s been talking about Tiger King. The Netflix documentary has become a sudden sensation online thanks to the fact that many people are stuck at home and watching more programming than ever before. The […]
You’ve got to roll with the punches, says one Stranger Things actor. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind in the entertainment world. Several tv shows and movies have had to stop production as […]
It looks like the God of Thunder wants to keep us fit as we hang out in isolation. As we’ve discussed before, the coronavirus pandemic has created a lot of stressors in our lives. With […]
Stay Light And Whimsical There’s a lot going on out there and with that comes a lot of stress. We’re often worrying about our paychecks, our friends and family members, our health, and our countries/cities. […]
This one goes out to the gamers and the tech lovers! New information is out about the next generation of gaming consoles. For a year or two now, we have been patiently awaiting more information […]
Well, we’ve got all the time in the world right now to watch videos. Might as well hang with the Hamilton’s too. Now that many of us are social distancing and an increasing amount of […]
In a time of social distancing and self-isolation, how can we stay connected? This is an important question to ask ourselves in the next few weeks. With the coronavirus situation becoming more serious by the […]
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